
Some of the Why's:

Here are just a few of the Why's I've found answers to, which I'm sharing for anyone who has these conditions or think they may have them, or knows someone with them, or are simply interested. This is very brief -- I intend to gather more of the information and research that has been most helpful for me into a more cohesive format, but for now... Why am I excessively tired, ache all over, and unable to manage nearly as much as I used to, way less even than the average person twenty years my senior? It's fibromyalgia and ME, not laziness and apathy fueled by a morbid imagination. is a invaluably informative website for both these conditions. Why can I feel full of beans one morning like I could go all day yet by afternoon be flattened by fatigue that lasts for the half a week? ME involves a problem with the body's mitochondrial ATP energy production process, with less energy generated one becomes fatigued much quicker and it takes much longer to